Friday, 2 March 2018


One freezing cold morning Hiwi the kiwi came to
may road school one day they taught  may road
school some things about fishing and how to keep
yourself safe when you are on the boat going
fishing.The things that they taught may road
school was making sure that you always wear
a lifejacket because when you, go fishing there
might be a big wave that is coming towards the
boat the boat might go over the  big wave the
boat might turn over. The people who are in
the boat that have their lifejackets on the will
float, the might return to the the island and maybe
someone might be swimming and they will save
them, the people that did not have there lifejacket
on the might of sinked and drowned. Another thing
that they taught may road school is you are only
allowed to take a fish that is higher than (27 cm)
because if you catch a big fish that is more high
than between (30 and 27 cm) it might have eggs
and it might be pregnant  so you should let to go.


  1. Hi we are Frizzell Class at Hay Park School. We really liked your story, it was a good one!Some of us have been fishing on a boat before, and we think wearing life jackets is a very good idea. Is Hiwi the Kiwi a real kiwi or a person? Thanks for sharing.

  2. Malo lele room 13 and your teacher mrs Petrus Good job Edyn keep up the good work by Mele’s mum
